Motherhood and Self-care

Motherhood and Self-care - Simmer and Co Natural Aroma Inc

This day can bring up so many emotions depending on where you are at in your life. You can feel loss, joy, anger, love and it's all ok. The past two years have challenged us all. Mother's have been called to so many roles and all their support was unavailable. We're starting to come out on the other side but the effects will be felt for a while to come.

Motherhood is amazing. And then it is really hard. And then it is incredible. And then it is everything in between. So, hold onto the good, breath through the bad, and welcome the wildest and most wonderful ride of your life. 


Mother's Day Challenge

So this mother's day, I have a challenge for you. A challenge to take care of ourselves, our motherhood! Build a self-care practice that speaks to you. That recharges what you need. Everyone is different and what works for some, might not be for you. I hope that you can find support to be able to do your self-care routine because that's part of the challenge too. Maybe swap with other mom's so you can help each other out.



My self-care Routine

My self-care routine as a mom is so different than in my younger years. For me I can find peace when my house is clean and tidy, when I can smell the good smells and then depending on the day- either sit in sunshine on my deck or soak in the bathtub with soothing music!

Whatever your self-care routine is if it involves scent we've got you covered at Simmer and Co. With so many different scent profiles, you can select a mood or feeling or an aroma family you love or even the mode of simmering. And one of the best parts is that everything we make is 100% natural!

Curated Collection

I've made a curated collection of my favorite products to relax and practice self-care. Use them yourself, or gift them to another. It's a beautiful, all natural way to add home fragrance. You can shop them here!  

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